Week #15
Make sure you download the newest answer key (awaiting one student who has not handed in the exam yet) and the final format guide, all are in the sidebar. Oh, and don't forget to do the last homework assignment! Furthermore, some of you guys forgot to hand in Quiz #10, so the new deadline is 8:30 a.m. December 15, 2004.
I'm furiously grading many exams. This week I tested five sections of students: three sections of MTH-116, two sections of MTH-092, but not your exams due to a completely inept judicial system. I really don't mind serving on a jury, but I just served and I asked politely (many times) to be excused. It's maddening, but people that work in government are just like little Kims (the Korean dictator, not the Bodacious Lil' Kim, although they sure would make a nice couple and the world would be a lot safer too.) and have virtually no respect for anyone, not even themselves.
I'm sure many of you are cheering the government at this point, especially the fact that they forced me to give you guys today's scheduled exam as a take-home instead. However, you need to keep in mind that this exam is given to you on an honor system (I affirm that I belong to the honorable community of students at Essex County College. I will not lie, cheat or steal, nor will I tolerate those who do.) and I know that's what I'll be told on Monday if I get picked as a juror.
If you've ever served on a jury, you'll probably know how un-honorable some people are. Civility, like honor is the glue that keeps us human.
Does the cylinder(#3) have bottom only or bottom and top???
Anonymous, at 10:35 PM
A bottom and a top. It's a oil can, and its functionality depends on enclosing a liquid.
Ron Bannon, at 10:48 PM
also is cylinder a right Circular Cylinder or do we assume the can designer was more creative and made it say slanted a bit. ok i am just kidding.
about that www.newprophecy.net . does your love to number 7 has anything to do with that "BASE 7 NUMEROLOGY" that so wonderfully would predict our future. and do i assume you believe in Nostradamus predictions and/or interpretations of it. :o)
Anonymous, at 11:45 PM
Professor, is there a typographical error on question 2?
Anonymous, at 2:31 AM
I don't think there's an error on question number 2.
As for the numeral seven, I'm really just kidding. However, I know there's many instances of seven in religion and philosophy.
Ron Bannon, at 8:35 AM
Through this semester i must say this is the most interesting class and professor i've taken so far;besides learning about the number 7. Guess there's no more to say but to take the final.......
Teliah Close
Anonymous, at 5:28 PM
Ms. Close,
Thanks, and I've enjoyed you guys a lot too. Best wishes. -rB
Ron Bannon, at 6:06 PM
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