Week #11
Here's the homework that most missed due to the early exit.
The Career Resource Center, Training, Inc. and Regional Business Partnership are sponsoring an Essex County Job Fair at Essex County College. They expect to have more than thirty companies and employment agencies represented. Flyers and banners have been posted around the buildings.
It is very important, if you decide to attend, that you dress appropriately and have a presentable resume. The job fair is Wednesday, November 17, 2004 in the 4th Floor Multi Purpose Room from 12:00 noon until 3:00 p.m..
There's a moment in everyone's life where they become aware that life is just plain peculiar, but for most this passes with time, and normalcy usually returns. As one of my teachers once lamented: "You'll forget how utterly peculiar this stuff is, but you'll be better off for trying to learn it." In any case, I think you'll come to realize that studying mathematics may have no application to your success or failure in life, but you'll become indelibly stained by thinking about it. Here's hoping that the stain of mathematical thought will blend over time, and that you will not lose sight of other, equally important areas of thought.
Wow, if you got this far I am glad. Also, since you seem to be reading along, I want to again encourage people to stop by and discuss their grades, especially if you got a warning. I hate sending out warnings, but ECC really makes a big effort to do so. Please don’t despair!
The polling station is now open and is looking for voters. Just scroll down to the lower right (sidebar) and vote. Real-time results are also available.
Ron Bannon, at 8:39 AM
Wow, its nice to see that you are open to criticism. I believe they allow for correction of faults that can't easily be seen.
I strongly feel that the grading was harsh, and I fear for its consequence. While I won't profess to be adept at calculus, I will say that my grade does not reflect my skill level.
I'm also very open to criticism... its allows me to build myself.
Anonymous, at 2:25 PM
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