ECC Calculus 1 [MTH 121 - 002]

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Week #13

A new extra credit problem has been posted and is worth 10 points towards your quiz grades. It's due on Monday, November 22 29, 2004 at 8:30 a.m..

Yes, you can use your black obelisk (i.e. your calculator.), but only after you've enjoyed some fire cooked meat (sincere apology to any vegetarians, I respect you more than you'll ever know.).

Although I'd rate Kubrick's adaption of Clark's literary masterpiece one of the finest movies ever made, most see it as a complete and utter bore. However, I think many of you might find the beginning scenes quite humorous, especially after you see how our early ancestors were able to excel after being visited by the black obelisk -- again, we need to thank Mr. Lin for holding up the black obelisk in class, and then seeing others unearth their own personal versions of the black obelisk. What's especially weird about 2001: A Space Odyssey, is that modern man has lost control of his tools, whereas our early ancestors were able to use them quite effectively. So here goes my stern warning -- LEARN YOUR TOOLS OR THEY WILL BE TAKEN FROM YOU! Watch the movie and see how the human-designed tools worked against their human designers.

In any case, enjoy the Thanksgiving break.


  • Yes, the 29th.

    I've corrected the post and I thank you for pointing out the error.

    By Blogger Ron Bannon, at 6:47 AM  

  • Mr. Medina:

    Well, I've used lots of calculators and I think most major brands should provide lots of options. Whatever calculator you decide to buy, it is essential that you read the manual that comes with it. Also, although I was against people using the TI-89 or other advanced calculators on exams, I will say that if you plan to buy a calculator I'd suggest that you stick with an advanced model, especially if you can afford it. However, you should also have a basic (~$10 scientific model) calculator available for those times when advanced calculators are not allowed.


    By Blogger Ron Bannon, at 2:26 PM  

  • Jose,
    Just to share my experience with calculator. i have purchased TI-89 titanium couple of days ago. it seemed like good time to do it. they are much cheaper now than they were in the beggining of semester(about $180-190). prices vary but the best price was in 'Costco' for ~135$. most office product retailers have them. it is basically the same as TI-89 but with triple flash memory. Plus Calculus App that lets you solve Newton Methods that we were doing on calculators on wednesday, and i defenitely dont remember how we did it - well it took me seconds to do it with Titanium. all i did was type in equation and initial guess and it was done. It is a fun toy.

    By Blogger elioz76, at 10:15 PM  

  • Target also has the Texas Instruments TI-89 Titanium Advanced Graphing Calculator for 149.99, but use code TCTVTGC2SAVE (expires 12/31/2004) to get 10% off, giving a final price of $134.99! Again, I'm not pushing the TI-89, but can anyone find a cheaper price? Also, any opinions on other high-end calculators from other manufacturers?

    By Blogger Ron Bannon, at 9:00 PM  

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