ECC Calculus 1 [MTH 121 - 002]

Monday, December 20, 2004

Week #17

. . . . . . . . . . EXAMS ARE NOW READY . . . . . . . . . . SEE LIST . . . . . . . . . .

The final along with the answer key has been posted.

Here's how to find your final exam grade. Your Social Security Number is divided by 100,000 and then rounded to the nearest 1. For example, if your number is 145-56-3908, you'd get 145,563,908/100,000 = 1,455.63908, and then round this to the nearest 1, to give a final number 1,456. Let say this person got a 94% on the exam, you'd just look in the table below to find 1456=94.


(BTW, the Social Security link is somewhat random, I Googled it.)

Friday, December 17, 2004

Week #16

Grades will be determined soon, and I'll post the final along with the answer key on Monday, sometime after 10 a.m..

The blog will stay up and running for eternity, well, as long as Google doesn't renege on their initial promise of free service. However, I've had many free things thrown my way, and then I was hooked into paying dearly later on. Take home message: better take any files you want before Google starts charging for access.

The pdf files actually reside on a Linux server on the ECC campus, but there's no guarantee that will remain up and running either. You might want to download the quizzes and exams, along with the answer keys, for your own use at a later time. I think, in total, you got a fairly broad picture of the main ideas of introductory calculus. The book is really where everyone should direct their review (study) process towards, especially if you plan to study mathematics further.

I like the blog idea though and I hope you all found it somewhat helpful, however, I welcome your comments (rants) as to how you'd improve it. I hope that one day I'll be able to run a course entirely from a blog.

If you think you're in trouble of not passing the course, you should stop by my office (email or phone okay) and we can discuss getting an "I" for the course. The "I" is a temporary grade that will eventually be replaced with a more formal grade once you show proficiency in the subject.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Week #15

. . . . . . . . . . THIS IS NOT A TEST . . . . . . . . . . EMERGENCY JURY BROADCAST SYSTEM ANNOUNCEMENT . . . . . . . . . . RON BANNON HAS BEEN EXCUSED FROM JURY DUTY . . . . . . . . . . CLASS WILL BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY . . . . . . . . . .
Make sure you download the newest answer key (awaiting one student who has not handed in the exam yet) and the final format guide, all are in the sidebar. Oh, and don't forget to do the last homework assignment! Furthermore, some of you guys forgot to hand in Quiz #10, so the new deadline is 8:30 a.m. December 15, 2004.

I'm furiously grading many exams. This week I tested five sections of students: three sections of MTH-116, two sections of MTH-092, but not your exams due to a completely inept judicial system. I really don't mind serving on a jury, but I just served and I asked politely (many times) to be excused. It's maddening, but people that work in government are just like little Kims (the Korean dictator, not the Bodacious Lil' Kim, although they sure would make a nice couple and the world would be a lot safer too.) and have virtually no respect for anyone, not even themselves.

I'm sure many of you are cheering the government at this point, especially the fact that they forced me to give you guys today's scheduled exam as a take-home instead. However, you need to keep in mind that this exam is given to you on an honor system (I affirm that I belong to the honorable community of students at Essex County College. I will not lie, cheat or steal, nor will I tolerate those who do.) and I know that's what I'll be told on Monday if I get picked as a juror.

If you've ever served on a jury, you'll probably know how un-honorable some people are. Civility, like honor is the glue that keeps us human.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Week #14

Google has finally indexed this blog. Yes, the search box in the above left-hand corner will now return results unique to this blog's URL . . . give it a try.

Breaking news, if you're looking for work, take a look at these pdf's.
Okay, the quiz has been graded and I'm surprised with the results, personally I was expecting better scores, but maybe I'm being overly tough in the grading. In any case, I welcome your comments and suggestions. As you all know, exam number two is scheduled for the tenth of December and we'll talk more about the format next week. Then, of course, is the final which will be given on the last Friday (or Monday) of the semester.

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus will be the next topic. For those planning on moving forward in mathematics, you'll need to read the text to get a better picture of what's going on. But for most, you'll just want to integrate (those damn sums we're doing in class) and know why it is useful. As far as I am concerned, that 100% okay.


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