Week #13
Yes, you can use your black obelisk (i.e. your calculator.), but only after you've enjoyed some fire cooked meat (sincere apology to any vegetarians, I respect you more than you'll ever know.).
Although I'd rate Kubrick's adaption of Clark's literary masterpiece one of the finest movies ever made, most see it as a complete and utter bore. However, I think many of you might find the beginning scenes quite humorous, especially after you see how our early ancestors were able to excel after being visited by the black obelisk -- again, we need to thank Mr. Lin for holding up the black obelisk in class, and then seeing others unearth their own personal versions of the black obelisk. What's especially weird about 2001: A Space Odyssey, is that modern man has lost control of his tools, whereas our early ancestors were able to use them quite effectively. So here goes my stern warning -- LEARN YOUR TOOLS OR THEY WILL BE TAKEN FROM YOU! Watch the movie and see how the human-designed tools worked against their human designers.
In any case, enjoy the Thanksgiving break.