ECC Calculus 1 [MTH 121 - 002]

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Week #1

We'll spend some time on review, but it should be very familiar. Again-and-again, I need to remind everyone that they should know pre-calculus. Also, you need to read the book, do the homework, and constantly review. This is not a hard course, but it can be if you decide to slack-off.


  • Hey, encourage others to post comments! Tell them how easy it is to post. Maybe we can actually get a lot of people to participate.

    By Blogger Ron Bannon, at 11:00 PM  

  • Actually that's not such a bad idea. Maybe I'll make a mistake or two, and post early . . . so please stay tuned.

    By Blogger Ron Bannon, at 6:45 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger Ron Bannon, at 7:13 AM  

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